Astro Laboratories
A Collaborative Learning Space
Astrology Course
2hr, Group Labs
-6 consecutive sessions-
Participants will be able to further activate their inner technology through deep dives into the ancient science of Astrology. The essentials of Tropical Astrology will serve as the foundation. However, the current astrological knowledge will be expanded upon. This will be done through a galactic lens, not a karmic overlay. This cosmic, transcendent Astrology is a remembrance Starseeds have access to. We will dive beyond the 12 zodiac signs and into True Sky – Astronomical Astrology. We will analyze perceptions linked to such bodies as Nibiru & Eris; as well as to constellations residing in the celestial equator – like Orion, Aquila & Ophiuchus. There is much more to channel & learn within the Astrological discipline! As the transiting cycles open portals upon this plane, more of the aetheric memory activates in our DNA. These laboratories nourish each soul as an adept conduit. Together, we will discover an expanding awareness that will open a portal to individual & collective cosmic citizenship. We are a part of a beautiful team! Hop on board!
– Research, Exploration & Discovery –
Transiting Energy Decodes & Exercises
Frequencies of the basic, 12 Ecliptic Constellations
Bridge into True Sky Astrology with Ophiuchus as the Gate
Principal Planetary Bodies, Asteroids & Luminaries
Expansion into Unknown Planetary Bodies, Asteroids & Luminaries
Physical Vessel Energy Portals & Their Connection to the Astro Portals
Transcending Expression of Houses and Aspects in a Chart
Traveling Beyond the Samsara, Karmic Wheel in Astrology
Re:unification of Astronomy & Astrology
Keys in a Starseed Natal Chart
Listening, Sharing & Collaborating