Erin Schuetz
Erin serves as a conduit and weaver of transcendence. She has a potent influence on others for healing and guiding their personal transformation. This faculty operates through her 7th House Chiron & North Node placements. Erin is a creator, astrologer, oracle and advocate. As a visual arts teacher for 13 years, she worked to activate the intuitive intelligence within children and adolescents. Through her ascension journey she was called to leave the system and step into a higher expression of this mission.
Erin is also a children’s book illustrator, metalsmith, tarot & oracle card reader, painter, sailor, herbalist, traveler and gardener. She is often researching esoteric texts, cosmology, etymology, cymatics, biochemistry, ancient archeology, quantum mechanics and numerology. She can offer guidance and discovery through many facets of life experience. She demystifies the confusion of this dimensional shift, that many people are now stepping into. Erin is here to assist humanity through the embodiment of higher consciousness. She is humbled and inspired by the magic of it all.
In collaboration with the right team, she plans to open beautiful and nourishing Aether Learning Laboratories. These will be New Earth “schools” for children and adolescents.
Children’s Book Little One: