Soul Laboratories
Mystery School for Adolescents13-18 yrs
6 week Cohorts
Weekly, 90min Laboratories
Total Cost: $540
(email for payment options)
Participants will be able to further activate their soul’s technology. You will learn tools to heal fear programming and to deeply embody a state of health, grace and love. Each person will discover many inner truths they are not exposed to in “school.” Though group structured, there will be a very personalized component of guidance, based on your astrological blueprint and primarily your Chiron & MC/IC placements. Which undiscovered practices jive with your essence?
– Re:search, Extraction & Discovery –
Journaling (dream, creative writing, poetry)
Astrology (natal chart readings & current transit energies)
Healing through Visual Arts
Tarot Card & Rune Readings
Ancient History & Mythology
Numerology, Gematria & Etymology
Sacred Knowledge & Geometry
Cosmology & Astrophysics
Cymatics & Sound Healing
Meditation & Embodiment
Nutrition & Herbalism
Affirmations & Intentions
Energy (Chakra) Clearing & Healing
Yoga & QiGong
Breathwork & Crystal Healing
Listening, Sharing & Collaborating